a few new pages

I continue to add some pages to the site.  I’ve moved and updated my seismometer pages over and hope to complete the remaining sometime soon.  Most of the previously posted monitoring data is now posted, including seismic data, radon data and weather satellite data.  Still needed to do is local weather.  I still need to work a little on the static pages that I created as the “home” link is broken, from when I moved wordpress from the /wp directory to /blog directory…but then decided that it was better to actually have it in the /wp directory for update reasons.  The work continues…

Site update…

Finally got the site improved a little tonight.  I’ve spent a lot of time tryong to figure out how to widen the standard WordPress pages so that my images are not squashed.  Too much time, in fact.  So, I bagged the whole idea of modifying the pages and just created some of my own with KompoZer.  I think that if I know CSS  and PHP a little more I could get something going, but I have too little time now.

New difficulties with web host…

I would love to be further along with this site, but I seem to be encountering difficulties with my web host.  I have moved everything to Namecheap (who hosts my domains).  But, I seem to be getting blocked.  Now, to be fair, I’m getting blocked because my automated FTP software is causing some problems on my side, and Namecheap is interpretating that as an attack on my site.  I thought it was fixed, but this morning I found I was blocked again… my weather update software had somehow come alive again, and with 20 failed FTP attempts, I was blocked again.  I’ll have to contact tech support again when I get home.

Hello world!

I have just started this site, and am new to wordpress and the whole blogging thing.  As I get things up and running I’ll post more.  Thanks for taking the time to look.

– Mike